Society for Medikus and Allied Health Care (SMAHC) has been started keeping in mind the highly increasing demand to foster medical and allied health science applications. We are intended to help and reach the person living in remote areas. SMAHC is committed to uplift the socioeconomic status of the deprived people. Society will provide a platform for in the field of medical and allied health sciences. Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic showed that how important is to learn about medical and allied health care. Keeping in mind all these things our society is working with following objective:  


1.) To promote medical allied health care sciences by establishing various research and development projects.

2.) To promote medical education through clinical research, diagnostics, scientific publications, allied health sciences, teaching, training and other academic activities.

3.) Conservation of environment and ecology so that a healthy and disease-free atmosphere can be provided to the people of India.

4.) To provide mass health care education to the people to prevent the spread of disease specially COVID-19, AIDS, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis Cancer etc. and to promote de-addiction.

5.) To develop, maintain, and contribute, medical and allied health care sciences, social and charitable educational institute with a philanthropic purpose which may be in general interest of the poor, oppressed, and needy people of all classes and creeds and to do all such acts and things with the object to give relief to poor.

Ms. Renu Singh, President of the Society